A brief review of the Cox proportional hazards model
Beyond the Cox model
Why parametric models?
Why not standard parametric models?
A brief introduction to stpm
Basic relationships in survival analysis
Comparing models
The delta method
Ado-file resources
How our book is organized
Using stset and stsplit
What is the stset
Some key concepts
Syntax of the stset command
Variables created by the stset command
Examples of using stset
The stsplit command
Graphical introduction to the principal
Rotterdam breast cancer data
England and Wales breast cancer data
Orchiectomy data
Poisson models
Modeling rates with the Poisson distribution
Splitting the time scale
Collapsing the data to speed up computation
Splitting at unique failure times
Comparing a different number of intervals
Fine splitting of the time scale
Splines: Motivation and definition
FPs: Motivation and definition
Royston–Parmar models
Motivation and introduction
Proportional hazards models
Selecting a spline function
PO models
Probit models
Royston–Parmar (RP) models
Concluding remarks
Prognostic models
Developing and reporting a prognostic model
What does the baseline hazard function mean?
Model selection
Quantitative outputs from the model
Goodness of fit
Out-of-sample prediction: Concept and applications
Visualization of survival times
Time-dependent effects
What do we mean by a TD effect?
Proportional on which scale?
Poisson models with TD effects
RP models with TD effects
TD effects for continuous variables
Attained age as the time scale
Multiple time scales
Prognostic models with TD effects
Relative survival
What is relative survival?
Excess mortality and relative survival
Motivating example
Life-table estimation of relative survival
Poisson models for relative survival
RP models for relative survival
Some comments on model selection
Age as a continuous variable
Concluding remarks
Further topics
Number needed to treat
Average and adjusted survival curves
Modeling distributions with RP models
Multiple events
Bayesian RP models
Competing risks
Period analysis
Crude probability of death from relative survival models
Final remarks
Author index
Subject index
Patrick Royston is a senior medical statistician at the Medical Research Council, London, UK. He has published research papers on a variety of topics in leading statistics journals. His key interests include multivariable modeling and validation, survival analysis, design and analysis of clinical trials, and statistical computing and algorithms. He is an associate editor of the Stata Journal. Paul Lambert is a reader in medical statistics at Leicester University, UK. His main interest is in the development and application of statistical methods in population-based cancer research and related fields. He has published widely in leading statistical and medical journals.
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