Theophile Gautier (1811-72), French painter, poet, novelist, and
critic, was a leading exponent of Art for Art's Sake, preparing the
way for the Parnassians and Symbolists in their reaction against
Helen Constantine was Head of Languages at Bartholomew School,
Eynsham, until she became a full-time translator. She is currently
translating Dangerous Liaisons by Laclos, also for Penguin. She has
recently published a volume of translated stories, Paris Tales, for
OUP, and is co-editor of the magazine Modern Poetry in Translation.
She is married to the poet, David Constantine.
Patricia Duncker is the author of short stories, essays and several
novels, including Hallucinating Foucault and Seven Tales of Sex and
Death (2003). She is also Professor of Creative Writing at the
University of East Anglia.
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