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The Gut Makeover


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About the Author

Jeannette Hyde is a London-based Registered Nutritional Therapist (BSc mBANT, CNHC) who specialises in helping people lose weight, improve digestive symptoms, skin, mood, memory and immune system, through her innovative gut diet approach. She practises nutritional therapy one-to-one, in groups, and on her popular retreats.www.jeannettehyde.com


Based on revolutionary new research that reveals that the state of our gut is central to our weight and health, this book offers a lifestyle that you'll want to adopt for a lifetime. - Natural HealthThe Gut Makeover transformed me and changed my life. I also lost 18 pounds. - BBC Radio LondonI dropped a dress size. I feel mentally clearer, far less emotional, have got rid of an ongoing chest infection and sleep better on a regular basis than I have in months. So much so that a few months later I'm still eating according to the plan, which doesn't feel like a hassle at all. - The TimesI slept better; my brain was perky through the day when it would often have been flagging by 3pm; even my patience was improved. I'd also lost 3kg (6.6 pounds) without ever feeling like I was 'on a diet'. - Welldoing

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