Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 Understanding Religion
What Is Religion?
Key Characteristics of Religion
The Sacred
Religious Symbolism
Speculations on the Sources of Religions
Patterns among Religions
First Pattern: Views of the World and Life
Second Pattern: Focus of Beliefs and Practices
Third Pattern: Views of Male and Female
Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Religion
The Study of Religion
Recent Theories
Key Critical Issues
Why Study the Major Religions of the World?
The Journey
Reading: Discovering Mystery
Chapter 2 Indigenous Religions
Discovering Indigenous Religions
Past Obstacles to the Appreciation of Indigenous Religions
The Modern Recovery of Indigenous Religions
Studying Indigenous Religions: Learning from Patterns
Human Relationships with the Natural World
Sacred Time and Sacred Space
Respect for Origins, Gods, and Ancestors
Sacred Practices in Indigenous Religions
Life-Cycle Ceremonies
Taboo and Sacrifice
Shamanism, Trance, and Spiritual Powers
Artifacts and Artistic Expression in Indigenous Religions
Personal Experience: Gods in Hawai`i
Indigenous Religions Today
Reading: The Importance of Dreams
Chapter 3 Hinduism
The Origins of Hinduism
The Earliest Stage of Indian Religion
The Religion of the Vedic Period
The Vedas
The Upanishads and the Axis Age
The Origin of the Upanishads
Important Concepts of the Upanishads
Living Spiritually in the Everyday World
The Bhagavad Gita
The Caste System
The Stages of Life
The Goals of Life
The Yogas
Devotional Hinduism
The Trimurti: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva
Worship of the Divine Feminine: Devi
The Guru as Object of Devotion
Devotion to Animals
Other Forms of Religious Devotion
Personal Experience: A Visit to Self-Realization Fellowship Lakeside Shrine
Hinduism and the Arts
Hinduism: Modern Challenges
Mohandas Gandhi
Contemporary Issues
Hindu Influence beyond India
Reading: Ramakrishna and the Experience of God
Chapter 4 Buddhism
The Beginnings of Buddhism: The Life of the Buddha
The Basic Teachings of Buddhism
The Three Marks of Reality
The Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path
The Infl uence of Indian Thought on Early Buddhist Teachings
Ahimsa: “Do No Harm”
The Soul and Karma
The Early Development of Buddhism
Theravada Buddhism: The Way of the Elders
Theravada Teachings and Literature
Theravada Art and Architecture
Mahayana Buddhism: The “Big Vehicle”
New Ideals: Compassion and the Bodhisattva
Mahayana Thought and Worldview
Mahayana Literature
The Spread of Mahayana in East Asia
Some Major Schools of Mahayana
Vajrayana Buddhism: The “Diamond Vehicle”
Origins, Practice, and Literature of Tibetan Buddhism
Ritual and the Arts
Personal Experience: New Year’s Day at Wat Saket
Buddhism and the Modern World
Reading: Approaching the End
Chapter 5 Jainism and Sikhism
Shared Origins
Mahavira and the Origins of Jainism
Jain Ethics
The Development of Jainism and Its Branches
Jain Practices
Jain Scriptures
Jain Art and Architecture
Nanak and the Origins of Sikhism
The Worldview and Teachings of Nanak
The Development of Sikhism
Sikh Scriptures
Sikhism and the Modern World
Personal Experience: A Visit to the Golden Temple
Reading: The Eternal Law
Chapter 6 Daoism and Confucianism
Basic Elements of Traditional Chinese Beliefs
The Origins of Daoism
Laozi (Lao Tzu)
The Daodejing
Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu)
Basic Early Teachings
Daoism and the Quest for Longevity
The Development of Daoism
Daoism and the Arts
Daoism and the Modern World
The Dao in Confucianism
The Life of Confucius
Living According to Confucian Values
The Five Great Relationships
The Confucian Virtues
Confucian Literature
The Development of Confucianism
Schools of Philosophy
The Development of Confucianism as a Religious System
Confucianism and the Arts
Personal Experience: Qing Ming, a Ceremony in Spring
Confucianism and the Modern World
Reading: On Cloud-Like Wandering
Chapter 7 Shinto
The Origins of Shinto
The Historical Development of Shinto
Accommodation with Buddhism and Confucianism
Shinto and Japanese National Identity
Essentials of Shinto Belief
Shinto Religious Practice
Worship at Shrines
Celebration of the New Year
Observances of the Seasons and Nature
Other Practices
Personal Experience: An Unexpected Shrine
Shinto and the Arts
Music and Dance
Shinto Off shoots: The New Religions
Shinto and the Modern World
Reading: Loving the Whole Earth
Chapter 8 Judaism
An Overview of Jewish History
The Hebrew Bible
Biblical History
In the Beginning: Stories of Origins
The World of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs
Moses and the Law
The Judges and Kings
Exile and Captivity
Return to Jerusalem and the Second Temple
Cultural Conflict during the Second Temple Era
The Seleucid Period
Responses to Outside Influences
The Development of Rabbinical Judaism
The Canon of Scripture and the Talmud
Islam and Medieval Judaism
The Kabbalah
Christianity and Medieval Judaism
Questioning and Reform
Judaism and the Modern World
Hitler and the Holocaust
Creation of the State of Israel
Personal Experience: A Visit to Masada
Jewish Belief
Religious Practice
The Jewish Sabbath
Holy Days
Jewish Dietary Practices
Other Religious Practices 318
Divisions within Contemporary Judaism
Culturally Based Divisions
Observance-Based Divisions
Jewish Identity and the Future of Judaism
Reading: What it Means to be Fully Alive
Chapter 9 Christianity
The Life and Teachings of Jesus
Jesus in the New Testament Gospels
The Two Great Commandments
Early Christian Beliefs and History
Paul and Pauline Christianity
The New Testament: Its Structure and Artistry
The Christian Canon
The Early Spread of Christianity
Infl uences on Christianity at the End of the Roman Empire
Benedict and the Monastic Ideal
The Eastern Orthodox Church
Early Development
Monasticism in the Eastern Church
Eastern Orthodox Beliefs
Personal Experience: Mar Saba Monastery
Christianity in the Middle Ages
Christian Mysticism
The Crusades, the Inquisition, and Christian Control
The Late Middle Ages
The Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther
Forms of Protestantism
The Development of Christianity Following the
Protestant Reformation
The Catholic Reformation (Counter Reformation)
The International Spread of Christianity
Nontraditional Christianity
Christian Practice
Sacraments and Other Rituals
The Christian Year
Devotion to Mary
Christianity and the Arts
Christianity Faces the Modern World
The Challenges of Science and Secularism
Contemporary Influences and Developments
Reading: How Saint Frances Made Brother Masseo Twirl Around
Chapter 10 Islam
The Life and Teachings of Muhammad
Essentials of Islam
The Five Pillars of Islam
Additional Islamic Religious Practices
Scripture: The Qur’an
The Historical Development of Islam
Expansion and Consolidation
The Shiite and Sunni Division within Islam
Sufism: Islamic Mysticism
Sufi Beliefs
Al-Ghazali and Sufi Brotherhoods
Sufi Practice and Poetry
Personal Experience: A Visit to a Mosque
Islamic Law and Philosophy
Islamic Law and Legal Institutions
Islamic Philosophy and Theology
Islam and the Arts
Fine Art
Islam and the Modern World
Islam and Contemporary Life
Islam and the Roles of Women
The Challenge of Secularism
A Range of Solutions
Islam in the West and Beyond
Reading: The Merciful
Chapter 11 Alternative Paths
Origins of New Religions
Contemporary Paganism: Wicca and Druidism
Religions of the Yoruba Tradition: Santería, Voodoo, and Candomblé
Falun Gong
Cao Dai
New Religious Movements: A Special Role
Personal Experience: Celebrating the Goddess
Reading: The Goal of Scientology
Chapter 12 The Modern Search
Modern Infl uences on the Future of Religion
The New World Order
Multiculturalism and Interfaith Dialogue
Women’s Rights Movements
Reassessment of Human Sexuality
Science and Technology
Science and Ethical Issues
Environmental Challenges
The Recurring Challenges of Change
Environmentalism: A Religious Phenomenon?
Eclectic Spirituality
Reverence and Respect
Contemplative Practices
Personal Experience: Supper Together
Reading: Learning From A Tree
Answer Key
Michael Molloy has made the study of religion his life's work. Fascination with religion began with interest in the architecture of temples, mosques, churches, and shrines. Experiencing ceremonies at those places led to a love of religious music and art. In his early graduate work, he focused on the imagery of clouds and darkness in mystical literature. In his doctoral work, he examined the mystical thought of Aldous Huxley, after Huxley had been influenced by Hinduism and Mahayana Buddhism. To do this, he interviewed Huxley's wife Laura, Huxley's sister-in-law, and friends of Huxley. Molloy received a grant from the East-West Center in Hawai`i to study there, and he received his doctorate from the University of Hawai`i. During this time, he studied in Japan with Abe Masao in Kyoto and with Sobharani Basu at Banaras Hindu University in Varanasi. He practiced Zen meditation at Bushinji in Shikoku and later received a certificate from the Oomoto School of Traditional Japanese Arts in Kameoka, Japan. He has written Experiencing the World's Religions (McGraw-Hill) and The Christian Experience (Bloomsbury). Currently he is writing a memoir of his grandparents and parents and their religious background.Molloy has taught many philosophy and religion courses, including World Religions, Asian Philosophies, Western Mysticism, Greek and Roman Philosophy, Ethics, Nietzsche, Religion and the Meaning of Existence, and Indian Philosophy. He is a Professor Emeritus of the University of Hawai`i. To complement his academic work, he has had three exhibitions of his paintings—"Landscapes of the Mind," "Luminous Darkness," and "Renaissance." He co-directed two radio series ofi nterviews with musicians, writers, and artists on KAIM-FM and Hawai`i Public Radio. He worked on the Inari Shrine Preservation Committee to move the shrine to a new location and then to renovate it.
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