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Leadership Matters


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Table of Contents

About the author ix

Acknowledgements xiii

Introduction xv

Part I: The Leaders 1

1 Focus on results, not excuses 3

2 Meet unique challenges with unique solutions 21

3 Embrace courageous leadership 37

4 Be present and show you care 51

5 Leave a lasting impression 67

Part II: The Achievers 81

6 Manage risk, don’t fear it 83

7 Model a life well lived 103

8 Believe in the future 117

9 Find clarity through action 129

Part III: The Visionaries 149

10 Find a journey that feeds your soul 151

11 Engage heart, head and hands 169

12 Plan your exit strategy from day one 189

13 Adopt a limitless mindset 203

Conclusion 217

Thai names and places 221

About Hands 225

About the Author

PETER BAINES OAM is a crisis and disaster management expert, a philanthropist, and an international leader of humanitarian efforts. He is the founder and director of Hands Across the Water, a charity committed to enriching the lives of children and communities they support in Thailand.

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