Bill Mantlo began his Marvel career on Deadly Hands of Kung Fu, in
which he introduced White Tiger, one of the industry's earliest
Hispanic super heroes. Eventually writing stories for almost every
Marvel title, he did some of his most fondly remembered work on
Incredible Hulk and Spectacular Spider-Man. He also launched Cloak
and Dagger in a pair of miniseries and guided Alpha Flight through
some of its most harrowing ordeals. Mantlo excelled at integrating
licensed properties into the Marvel Universe, as demonstrated by
Micronauts and Rom- Spaceknight, both of which he wrote from start
to finish. At DC, he wrote the Invasion miniseries for one of the
company's biggest crossover events.
Artist Michael Golden's realistic artwork on The 'Nam chronicled a
platoon of Vietnam War soldiers in a series widely acclaimed by
both readers and veterans of the military conflict. He contributes
cover artwork to a variety of projects, including Batman and
Artist Howard Chaykin has been an industry legend for more than
three decades. After introducing Dominic Fortune in Bizarre
Adventuresand drawing Marvel's Star Wars adaptation, he revamped
DC's Blackhawk and lent his unique perspective on past decades to
American Century, Twilight, Pulp Fantastic and City of Tomorrow,
among others. Chaykin's seminal work writing and illustrating the
politically charged series American Flagg! has influenced a
generation of writers and artists. He remains a leading creative
force in the industry, having illustrated Punisher War Journal,
Wolverine, Blade and more for Marvel Comics.
During the 1970s, Pat Broderick depicted cosmic sagas on literally
multiple levels as artist on Captain Marvel and Micronauts. At DC,
he penciled Captain Atom, Firestorm and Green Lantern, among
others; on Batman, he co-created Tim Drake, the third and current
Robin. Returning to Marvel in stints on Alpha Flight and Doom 2099,
he also worked for the short-lived Future Comics and revisited
Micronauts in a newly licensed variant at Devil's Due Publishing.
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