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Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis


Product Description
Product Details

Table of Contents

List of tables and figures

Acronyms and abbreviations




1. About MS

2. Preventive medicine and chronic Western disease

3. Validating the OMS Program: The STOP-MS study and the HOLISM study


4. Step 1: Eat well

5. Step 2: Get enough sun and vitamin D

6. Step 3: Exercise regularly

7. Step 4: Meditate and use the mind-body connection

8. Step 5: Take medication if needed

9. Step 6: Prevent family members from getting MS

10. Step 7: Change your life, for life



About the Author

Professor George Jelinek MD MBBS DipDHM FACEM is Head of the Neuroepidemiology Unit in the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health at the University of Melbourne. He is an international leader in research and treatment of multiple sclerosis, and co-author of Recovering from Multiple Sclerosis.


"As a physician and the spouse of someone with multiple sclerosis I feel that this book contains much wisdom and guidance for achieving one's greatest potential for healing when confronted by the reality of this disease." --Bernie Siegel MD, author, Faith, Hope and Healing and 365 Prescriptions for Living

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