Introduction: How to Situate and Define Action Research - Hilary
Introduction to Practices - Alfredo Ortiz Aragón and María Teresa
The Practice of Learning History: Local and Open System Approaches
- Hilary Bradbury, George Roth, Margaret Gearty
PRA, PLA and Pluralism: Practice and Theory - Robert Chambers
Developing the Practice of Leading Change through Insider Action
Research: A Dynamic Capability Perspective - David Coghlan and A.B.
Innovations In Appreciative Inquiry: Critical Appreciative Inquiry
With Excluded Pakistani Women - Graham Duncan
Collaborative Developmental Action Inquiry - Aftab Erfan and Bill
Systematization of Experiences: A Practice of Participatory
Research from Latin America - Elza Falkembach and Alfonso Torres
Empowerment Evaluation and Action Research: A Convergence of
Values, Principles, and Purpose - David M. Fetterman
Action Evaluation: An Action Research Practice for the
Participative Definition, Monitoring, and Assessment of Success in
Social Innovation and Conflict Engagement - Victor J. Friedman and
Jay Rothman
Theatre in Participatory Action Research: Experiences from
Bangladesh - Meghna Guhathakurta
Using T-Groups to Develop Action Research Skills In Volatile,
Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous Environments - Michael Krot and
Lisa Stefanac
The Action Research Practice of Urban Planning — An Example from
Hong Kong - Hok Bun Ku & Jackie Y. C. Kwok
The artistry of emancipatory practice: Photovoice, creative
techniques, and feminist anti-racist participatory action research
- M. Brinton Lykes and Holly Scheib
Action Science Revisited: Building Knowledge Out of Practice to
Transform Practice - Diana McLain Smith
Systemic Intervention - Gerald Midgley
Community Based Participatory Research with communities defined by
race, ethnicity, and disability: Translating theory to practice -
Christina Nicolaidis and Dora Raymaker
Action Learning - Mike Pedler and John Burgoyne
The Network Leadership Innovation Lab: A Practice for Social Change
- Elissa Perry, Robin Katcher, Mark Leach and Laurie Mazur
Awareness-Based Action Research: Catching Social Reality Creation
in Flight - Otto Scharmer and Katrin Kaufer
The World Café in Action Research Settings - Frederick Steier,
Juanita Brown and Flavio Mesquita da Silva
Ethnographic Action Research: Media, information and communicative
ecologies for development initiatives - Jo Tacchi
Re-Fashioning Citizens’ Juries: Participatory Democracy In Action -
Tom Wakeford, Michel Pimbert and Erin Walcon
The practice of helping students to find their first person voice
in creating living-theories for Education - Jack Whitehead
The Practice of Teaching Co-operative Inquiry - Lyle Yorks
Introduction to Exemplars - Svante Lifvergren and Kent Glenzer
Symbiosis of Action Research and Deliberative Democracy in the
Context of Participatory Constitution-Making - Oguz N. Babüroglu,
Gülru Z. Göker, Emre Koyuncu
Action Research in Universities and Higher Education Worldwide -
Rebecca Boden, Davydd Greenwood, Budd Hall, Morten Levin, Judi
Marshall, and Susan Wright
‘I’m not afraid of him; that dog barks but he don’t bite’. PAR
processes, gender equity and emancipation with women in Yucatan,
Mexico - María Teresa Castillo-Burguete, Carmen García-Gómez, Pedro
Castro-Borges and Federico Dickinson
Insurgent inquiry: Connecting action research, impact evaluation,
and global strategy in a rights-based international development NGO
- Kent Glenzer, Elisa Martinez, and Michael Drinkwater
Action Research with Marginalized Immigrants’ Coming to Voice:
Twenty Years of Social Movement Support in Taiwan and Still Going -
Hsiao-Chuan Hsia
Improving health and well being: Researching alongside marginalized
people across diverse domains - Tina Koch
After a Decade of Action Research: Impactful Systems Improvement in
Swedish Healthcare - Svante Lifvergren, Tony Huzzard and Andreas
Action Research As A Transformative Force In Management Education:
Introducing The Collaboratory - Katrin Muff
Achieving Equity in Education - Ernie Stringer
Introduction to Groundings - Hilary Bradbury
Praxis – Retrieving the Roots of Action Research - Olav
Core Issues in Modern Epistemology for Action Researchers: dancing
between knower and known - Gil Coleman
Social Construction and Research as Action - Kenneth J. Gergen and
Mary M. Gergen
How to succeed in action research without really acting: Tracing
the development of action research to constructivist practice in
organizational worklife - Bjørn Gustavsen and ∅yvind Pålshaugen
Organization Development: Action Research for Organizational Change
- David Coghlan
Evolutionary Systems Thinking: What Gregory Bateson, Kurt Lewin,
and Jacob Moreno Offered to Action Research That Still Remains to
be Learned - Davydd J. Greenwood
How Change Happens: The implications of complexity and systems
thinking for Action Research - Danny Burns
Complex Systems and Emergence in Action Research - Benyamin
Critical theory and critical participatory action research -
Stephen Kemmis, Robin McTaggart and Rhonda Nixon
Power and Knowledge - John Gaventa and Andrea Cornwall
Research, Participation and Social Transformation: Grounding
Systematization of Experiences in Latin American Perspectives -
Danilo R. Streck and Oscar Jara Holiday
Knowledge Democracy, Community Based Action Research, The Global
South And The Excluded North - George Ladaah Openjuru, Namrata
Jaitli, Rajesh Tandon and Budd Hall
Participatory Action Research: Its Origins and Future in Women’s
Ways - Marja-Liisa Swantz
The Location of Race in Action Research - Erica Gabrielle Foldy
Sex and Sensibilities: Doing Action Research while Respecting Even
Inspiring Dignity - Lauren Martin
Crowdsourcing and Action Research. Fostering people’s participation
in research through digital media - Chiara Certomà and Michel
Naturally emerging regulation and the danger of delegitimizing
conventional leadership: Drawing on the example of Wikipedia -
Dariusz Jemielniak
Action Research in an Online World - Dusty Columbia Embury
Large Scale Change Action Research - Steve Waddell, Milla
McLachlan, Greta Meszoely and Sandra Waddock
Companions to Action Research: Reaching beyond our networks to
build alignments and a common repository of resources - Gabriele
Action Research and Ecological Practice - Peter Reason and Susan
Ecofeminism and systems thinking: Shared ethics of care for action
research - Anne Stephens
The Integrating (Feminine) Reach Of Action Research: A Nonet For
Epistemological Voice - Hilary Bradbury
Expanding Reach and Justice with PAR: Working with More Than Humans
- Debra Merskin and Debra Durham
Introduction to Skills - Dusty Columbia Embury
Widening the Circle: Ethical Reflection in Action Research and the
Practice of Structured Ethical Reflection - Mary Brydon-Miller, Amy
Rector Aranda, and Douglas M. Stevens
The Skillful Means of Engaged Research - Jacques M. Chevalier,
Daniel J. Buckles and Michelle Bourassa
Feelings in first person action research - Hanne Heen
Clearing Obstacles: An Exercise to Expand a Person’s Repertoire of
Action - Elaine Herdman-Barker and Aftab Erfan
A cross-cultural approach with East-Asian epistemology: Developing
soft skills in action research - Noriyuki Inoue
Cultivating Intention (As we enter the fray): The Practice of
Embodying Presence, Awareness, and Purpose as Action Researchers -
David McCallum and Aliki Nicolaides
Holding Theory Skillfully in Consulting Interventions - Grady
McGonagill and Dana Carman
You Better Check Your Method Before You Wreck Your Method:
Challenging and Transforming Photovoice - Angie P. Mejia
Discovering Philosophical Assumptions That Guide Action Research:
The Reflexive Toolbox Approach - Michael O’Rourke, Chad Gonnerman,
Stephen J. Crowley, and Troy E. Hall
Radical epistemology as caffeine for social change - Alfredo Ortiz
Aragón and Juan Carlos Giles Macedo
Mediated dialogue in action research - Charles J. Palus and John B.
Teaching The Heart of Action Research Skills: Breaking Free in the
Classroom - Timothy Pyrch
Practice of Mindful Intuition: Bi-Directional Openness: The Skill
of Expressing And Sensing Leadership That Serves a Group - Yumi
Designerly Ways for Action Research - Howard Silverman
Nurturing Creative Destruction: Bringing Management Mindsets and
Influence Skillsets to Health Care - Nicole A. Steckler and James
J. Huntzicker
Teaching and Learning Reflective Practice in the Action
Science/Action Inquiry Tradition - Steven S. Taylor, Jenny W.
Rudolph, and Erica Gabrielle Foldy
From Research “On” to Research “With”: Developing Skills for
Research with Sex Workers - Emily van der Meulen
Shared inquiry capabilities and differing inquiry preferences:
Navigating ‘full cycle’ iterations of action research - Yoland
Unlocking the Secrets of Personal and Systemic Power: The Power Lab
and Action Inquiry in the Classroom - Nancy C. Wallis
Hilary Bradbury Huang, Ph.D., is Professor in the Management
Division of Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU). Her
research, scholarly activism and teaching focus on the human and
organizational dimensions of creating healthy communities. At OHSU
she teaches in the healthcare MBA and physician leadership
development programs. She also develops the action research
approach to Community Based Participatory Research for
Hilary is editor-in-chief of Action Research Journal. She
co-edited the bestselling Handbook of Action Research (Sage, 2001;
2008) with Peter Reason. Her journal articles have appeared
in Organization Science, Sloan Management Review & Journal of
Management Inquiry, among others. Previously Hilary was Research
Associate Professor at University of Southern California and
Director of Sustainable Business Research at the Center for
Sustainable Cities. Before that she was Associate Professor of
Organizational Behavior at Case Western Reserve University.
She lives with her family in Portland, OR.
Hilary Bradbury, Ph.D., is Director of Sustainable Business
Programs at University of Southern California Center for
Sustainable Cities, She brings her
expertise in action research to work with businesses on issues of
sustainability. Prior to this she was Associate Professor of
Organizational Behavior at Case Western Reserve University|
Weatherhead School of Management in Cleveland, Ohio. She has
published widely in journals including Organization
Science and Academy of Management Executive. She is
editor of Action Research and co-editor with Peter Reason
of the bestselling Handbook of Action Research (Sage, 2001,
2006, 2008). Hilary is multi lingual, having grown up in Ireland
and having worked in Germany, Switzerland and Japan. She lives in
LA with her family. The project that takes most of her time now is
SEER (Sustainable Enterprise Executive Roundtable). SEER enables
collaborative learning among Southern California business leaders
so that more sustainable practices result, benefiting the
environment and the bottom line, through projects that promote
sustainable development.SEER is committed to developing actionable
knowledge and measurable positive
impact. Also
The Editor′s Introduction is elegant, graceful, epistemologically
extended and conceptually comprehensive, with an abundance of
integrated heart-head wisdom, and deeply committed to the
flourishing of our planet through collaborative and transformative
inquiring practice. It heralds exactly the coming of age of action
research in this third edition of the Handbook, evident in the rich
diversity of eighty chapters covering Practices, Exemplars,
Groundings and Skills, which reveal overall a mature readiness of
researchers to take on global challenges by developing local,
radical, participatory practical knowledge.
*John Heron*
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