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Tank Warfare on the Eastern Front, 1941-1942


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About the Author

Robert Forczyk is a leading expert on the history of armored warfare, and he has made a particular study of the Second World War on the Eastern Front. His many books include Georgy Zhukov, Demyansk 1942-43, Red Christmas: The Tatsinskaya Airfield Raid 1942, Rescuing Mussolini: Gran Sasso 1943, Sevastopol 1942: Von Manstein's Triumph, Leningrad 1941-44, Model, Erich Von Manstein, Panther Vs T-34: Ukraine 1943 and Tank Warfare on the Eastern Front 1941-1942: Schwerpunkt, the first volume of his major two-volume history of this aspect of the Russo-German war.


"This is an eye-opening account of Hitler's fixation with trying to conquer the Soviet Union versus its response to Germany's ill-conceived and inadequately planned invasion of Mother Russia."-- "Toy Soldier Collector & Historical Figures"

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