In 1945 when American GIs poured into Germany, they found German children dressed in buckskins and feathers playing "cowboys and indians." Today, the residents of Fredricksburg, Texas, hold Shutzenfests, Kinderfests, and a traditional Octoberfest every year along with rodeos and barbecues. From the Marshall Plan to kindergarten and beer, Germany and the nations of North and South America have a rich, interwoven history spanning more than five centuries.
Thomas Adam, PhD, is assistant professor of German and transatlantic European history at the University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX. His published works include Philanthropy, Patronage, and Civil Society.
"These three volumes edited by Thomas Adam stand out in both quality and quantity and fully deserve to be called the 'first comprehensive encyclopedia to provide a complete overview of German-American relations.' ... [T]he encyclopedia offers quick and comprehensive information and equally provides the potential for many hours of interesting and entertaining reading." - german studies review
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