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Harmonious Hearts 2016


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About the Author

Latitude Brown is a stone butch lesbian and a great person who makes great art. They like books, filmmaking, and you. Someday they would like to be a librarian.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/latitudebrown
Twitter: @icetastrophe

Frisk Gillespie is a twenty-year-old writer living in Canada. She spends most of her time reading fantasy novels and fan fiction, watching children's cartoons, going rock climbing, and playing video games on easy mode. She has a totally professional diagnosis of "too gay to function," which makes existing around cute girls quite a difficult task. She also has an actual chronic pain condition, but with treatment she's able to keep up a part-time job, which gives her money to spoil her girlfriend. This is her third time being published in Harmonious Hearts.

Irene Grant is sixteen years old, born and raised in Northern Ontario, Canada. She's been homeschooled most of her life, but recently experienced a couple of years of school in grades nine and ten. She has since gone back to homeschooling so she could pursue her first love--dance. Irene is a very creative person who loves expressing herself through art. Besides dancing every chance she gets, she loves to write, draw, and paint. She started dancing when she was just three years old and has been dancing ever since. Irene joined Earthdancers when she was nine. Earthdancers is a student-run, nonprofit organization that puts on a performance once a year to raise money for environmental groups like Friends of the Earth, VETAC, The Junction Creek Stewardship Committee, and Wild at Heart. Irene hopes to take her dance all the way. She would love to go to Toronto Dance Theatre to study dance.
Irene is also a self-diagnosed geek. She loves to watch TV shows, movies, play video games, and read books and fan fiction. The list of fandoms is way too long to go into here. Music is very important to Irene, whether she's playing the violin, guitar, piano, singing, or just listening to music. She has a very eclectic style and will listen to almost any genre. She also has one brother (who is often a nuisance), but she loves him very much. Another thing she loves is cats. She currently doesn't have any but tolerates her mom's dog.

Xoe Juliani is an American writer living in the Netherlands. She started writing in the seventh grade and never really stopped. At any given moment, you're likely to find her either reading or writing--and if she's not, she's probably wishing she were. She's also been known to detach from her computer and spend time with her family, but only rarely, as they would undoubtedly tell you. She is currently working toward a bachelor's degree in Literature and Creative Writing from Antioch University, since she's not really one for practicality. Her work has previously been published in Sci-Fi Romance Quarterly. She tends to write almost exclusively about LGBT+ characters, although her family does often remind her that straight people do exist too.

Blog: xoewrites.tumblr.com

Anika Olivo writes about reality through unreality. She loves to saturate her stories with symbolism that can still be enjoyed without English-class-like analysis, though it is definitely her favorite subject. Born and raised around Portland, Oregon, she draws inspiration from everything around her and gives the most mundane aspects of life haunting meaning or represent them in abstract, unexpected ways. Besides her environment, key inspirations include Welcome to Night Vale and, she has to admit, long nights spent reading the SCP Foundation wiki.

As her writing and interests may suggest, she loves the surreal and paranormal, whether they be cheesy tourist traps, horror media, or genuine liminal experiences on long road trips through West Coast deserts. Her creativity shows through her wide variety of hobbies; she also enjoys sewing and drawing as well as "wasting" hours on video games and messing with makeup. She aspires to become a lot of things, from a political activist to an author and artist to a YouTuber and a short film writer/director (but only as an informal hobby!).

When not focusing on her plethora of self-driven hobbies, she spends her time dealing with the trials and tribulations of a high school student, passionately debating in the Junior State of America, and teaching sex-ed classes as a peer educator through Planned Parenthood. New interests and goals find her almost every day, and who is she to deny them?

Chloe Smith is a disabled and autistic writer and poet from the United Kingdom. She is a Foyle Young Poet of the Year 2015, and her poetry has been published in The Honest Ulsterman, TERSE Journal, The Cabinet of Heed, Ghost City Review, and more. Her flash fiction has been published in Ellipsis Zine, TRAIN, Three Drops from a Cauldron, and The Ginger Collect. Her first ever short story, "Plenty of Fish," was published by Harmony Ink Press in the Harmonious Hearts 2016 anthology, and her short story "143" was also published by Harmony Ink Press in the Harmonious Hearts 2018 anthology.

She's wanted to be a writer ever since she knew books existed, especially when she found out that writing those books could be an actual job. She's still working on getting that status of "published author and poet" with her own books and poetry collections on the shelves, but thinks that as long as there are people out there who will read her work (and occasionally even like it), then she's most of the way there.

Chloe lives in England with her family, who she loves very much. If she's not writing, then she's probably thinking up a new story idea, rewatching episodes of Doctor Who, or drinking tea (as long as it's decaf).

Twitter: @ch1oewrites

Website: chloesmithwrites.wordpress.com

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